Our 1912 Farmhouse Laundry room remodel


Today i’m sharing the details of our laundry/entry remodel, complete with the paint colors and before and after photos!. Moving into our Farmhouse, 10 years ago, with a six month old baby starting a family and planning to cash flow the whole gut remodel while living in the house was, looking back quite the undertaking!. I read recently that if you can survive remodeling a home, your marriage can survive anything.soooo i think we are gonna make it!.😅

Vernon is the master craftsman in our home. He designs as well, and his attention to detail is amazing. We decided to use real Tongue and groove shiplap on the walls and the ceiling, and we chose to run it vertical for a more modern, clean look. I knew I wanted some impressive cabinets that would offer our family a lot of storage, and so Vernon built me washer/dryer deep cabinets above said washer and dryer!. I have a Vintage step ladder nearby to reach items as needed. I am, by nature one to shy away from color. I need calm and restful spaces, but i Decided I wanted some neutral colors for this space. Green is a favorite for sure and so I Decided to go with two neutral colors that I thought looked amazing together. Wide trim makes a statement when painted a darker color so that’s what we Decided to do.

The wall Color is;

Sherwin Williams Shittake

The Trim Color is;

Sherwin Williams Rushing River

I took both colors to the paint counter and asked them to mix them at -50% less pigmentation which they’re happy to do, and the results made this Girl very happy! 😊

I’d love to hear what you think! Thanks for being excited with our family on this Journey!. Hugs to you- Grace


Just Make Pancakes 🥞


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