Grace Miller Grace Miller

He Cares-

Hi!. Do you ever wonder, If God cares about you and your business?. He does, in a hundred little and big ways. God has cared for me and my shoppe over the years, and I keep a book where I write down these events, mostly to boost my faith but also as a way of encouraging others.

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Grace Miller Grace Miller

Grace's white cake with frosting recipe

Cake…it's not just for fancy occasions and some days you just need to whip one up!. Today I'm sharing my recipe for my family’s very favorite White cake with raspberries and buttercream frosting. Give yourself a hour and a few ingredients and you too can have your cake and eat it too!.

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Grace Miller Grace Miller

Our favorite muffins

As a Stay at home mom to four children, three of which are in school, and a hubby who takes his lunch to work every day, I do a lot of baking and cooking to help keep our grocery budget lower and also because it's something I love to do!

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Grace Miller Grace Miller

Just Make Pancakes 🥞

When I had four little children 5 years old and under, I remember a day being very overwhelmed with what to make for dinner and I decided to make pancakes but all the recipes I tried were so heavy and thick or burned when i cooked them and then I decided to play around and came up with this Recipe that our family has every week. It's so very easy & fool proof and I'd love to share it with you!

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