He Cares-

Hi!. Do you ever wonder, If God cares about you and your business?. He does, in a hundred little and big ways. God has cared for me and my shoppe over the years, and I keep a book where I write down these events, mostly to boost my faith but also as a way of encouraging others. Last week we had a very sick little girl, but i came across a Facebook listing for some lovely antique pieces. I reached out to the seller about the items I was wishing to buy and he said yes he would hold them all for me, I told him my child was sick, but I could make later in the afternoon work to pickup. A hour later he messaged me saying the one lot of items, a lady asked to buy and would pay above the asking price so he sold them to her instead. (I know who said lady is.)🙄 I thanked him for letting me know, but then I also told him I think I will just pass on all the items. I never want to push my way through for things, and my family needed me more than I needed to run around for antiques. I confess I was mad. I felt Like it was a matter of integrity on both the seller and the buyers ends. Fast forward to the following week, I had a Medical appointment a hour away, I try to make all my trips count and usually buy a lot of inventory on those trips to pay for all the things. This particular day, I needed to go up and back home asap, so there was no time for picking. When i left my appointment, I had a facebook message from that seller asking if I still wanted the other items and he said he felt badly about how he handled the previous interaction. He offered the items to me at a crazy price, one that I knew immediately I was interested in, and I told him, yes I would come the next day for the items. Does God care about the things that we care about? A thousand times yes. It also reminded me of part of my shoppe creed,

“Good things come to those who Wait”.

If you're on the fence today about rushing or pushing or trying to make something happen, while i’m not one to condone being lazy, I want to remind you to maybe push pause. Do what needs to be done right now in front of you, and hold your hands open to what God may choose to fill them with. Now i’ve mused enough, and the items I got? They are coming to the shoppe this week, and they are absolutely fantastic! Have a wonderful evening friends!.🧡


Toast Bar In our Home!.


Grace's white cake with frosting recipe