Grace's white cake with frosting recipe

Cake…it's not just for fancy occasions and some days you just need to whip one up!. Today I'm sharing my recipe for my family’s very favorite White cake with raspberries and buttercream frosting. Give yourself a hour and a few ingredients and you too can have your cake and eat it too!.

So i’ve baked many cakes from scratch (I even baked and frosted .all of our wedding cakes when we got married!) But cake mixes and textures of cakes can vary so much even the weather can effect your cake.

Enter…Aldi…Their White cake mix is the only one I use! It says on the box to use 5 egg whites and that’s what I do! Then mix for 2 minutes and be sure to tap your pans on the counter to release any air bubbles! Then bake as directed..I only bake about 15 minutes or until tooth pick is barely crumb-free. While cakes cool, mix your frosting..its my made up recipe and is light and fluffy and not too sweet!.

Add to mixer bowl

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup Crisco brand shortening

Dash of sea salt

Whip these two ingredients on High for about 10 minutes until light and airy then add

4-5 cups of powdered sugar

1tsp vanilla

Add Hot water a TBSP at a time beating on high till a stiff yet spreadable light frosting forms.

Spread a layer on the bottom cake layer and top with Raspberries

Add top layer and frost the whole cake. Inhale and share with you family and friends! Let me know if you make this Recipe! Hugs- Grace


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