Toast Bar In our Home!.

When I was fixated more on aesthetics than practicality in our Home, there were no appliances on our countertops. We have a small home, and stuff quickly becomes overwhelming. This year I started baking all of our bread and that quickly led to My Husband making himself Toast every morning, to enjoy on the way to work. He would pull down the toaster and make his toast and then put it away. One morning as I witnessed this happening I thought, maybe I can create a functional, yet pretty space where the toaster can be left out. (yea pretty toasters help) I bought a four slice toaster (not thrifted) Then I spent a few weeks thrifting looking for just the right breadbox. Everything I came across was too tall or too deep. So I also purchased ours new. GASP!. I added some fun items from my shop, including A wood vase with Vintage butter knives, a butter crock and honey jar as well as a stack of Vintage Restaurant ware plates!. It turned out so nice, and our family all benefits from this space. I placed it low enough the children can all make their own breakfast or snacks and we all Love it!. I have links for all the items shared and let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this idea or want the links to any items shared.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! - Grace


He Cares-